Tuesday, May 22, 2012

hash tag

"I looked at your hash (#) and understood exactly what I needed to do..."
ANDY mocks CASSY's proper use of proofreading marks on the cover he designed for Oz Tri.

the real deal

CASSY: Can you guys let me know what you're working on for the next few weeks? I have to update the studio schedule.

ANGE: What we're working on? I dunno man... [ANGE looks blank. And a little panicked]

CHERI: Well, you've got those flyers, and the luxury guide concepts...

ANGE: Yeah, yeah, what else? [enthusiastically] Let's make some more shit up!

CASSY: You can't just make it up, it has to be authentic--

ANGE: Yeah, yeah [ANGE cuts in dismissively] authentic shit...

Friday, May 18, 2012

way to go

“Hey, be careful, those things kill.” ANDY warns CASSY ahead of her Africa trip. “Tigers, elephants…”

“I know, and I’ll be camping. There’s not even fences!” CASSY plays along.

“I know man, watch out," ANDY warns, deadpan. "Tigers, lions… [mimes opening a tent flap, makes a chomping sound].”

“At least it would be an interesting way to go,” CASSY muses. “Better than dying slowly over 10 years, just deteriorating…”

“Nah, f*ck that, at least you could watch telly while your dyin’…” ANGE chimes in.