A: Currently at Jolimont
A: Yet again the trains are my undoing
A: Currently at Flinders and no sight of a fricken train
L: What?! I heard our public transport system was flawless!
A: Train just pulled in 10 mins late but has decided it does not want to take passengers
L: It's taking one passenger: the train driver!
A: Now a platform change
A: Now on train 14 mins late
A: It's now 30 mins since Jolimont
A: It could end up becoming an express and not stopping at Armadale
L: Is the train express or not? Just head to Frankston and start selling drugs
A: Train just arrived at Armadale... start walking
Andy [walking through the door]: There you have it! I've just walked you through a morning in the life of Andy...

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