Friday, February 25, 2011

what about me?

“You’re getting all of the fruits of the forest lately!”
ANDY watches two colleagues prepare to head off on a research trip to the peninsula, but remains tied to his chair like Cinderella longing for the ball

food for thought

CASSY [while subbing an article on nutrition]: There’s a message for you in this, Andy. According to this, ‘sports bars are not a nutritious daily snack.’

ANDY: Touché to that except for one thing - I don’t eat them as snacks, I eat them because I ride a bike between hither and… thither.

CASSY: How long is your ride?

ANDY: About an hour.

CASSY: Well Kristian says for any session under 90 minutes all you need is water.

ANDY: [pauses, temporarily dumbfounded] Maybe that’s what the Beatles should've sung…