Friday, October 19, 2012

word of the day

On Friday ANGE takes a break from heavy metal and 80s pop anthems to close his eyes and groove to Missy Higgins.

CASSY: [bemused] You play the strangest selection of music over there…

KATHRYN: It’s an eclectic selection.

ANGE: Yeah, ecliptic! Put it on the board!

KATHRYN: Not ecliptic, eclectic! I’ll give you ecliptic…

ANGE: Oh. I got excited, I thought we were having an eclipse tonight...


ANDY: Cass! You were here… and then you weren’t.

ANGE: We were worried sick.

ANDY: We thought some unfortunate accident had befallen you…

CASSY: You knew I was on a trip!

ANDY: We didn’t know!

ANGE: How would we know?

ANDY: We thought you were missing…

ANGE: [snidely] That’s OK, you go feed the dolphins…

ANDY: Go take pictures of your feet in the sunset.

ANGE: Don’t tell us anything…

ANDY: We’ll eat out of a CAN, and you can eat things that have been artistically arranged on oversized white plates.

CHERI: [to Cassy] I think they’re mad.

CASSY: Maybe a little bit...